

When I think of what Pittsford will look like in 10 or 20 years, I imagine a thriving, progressive community that has found a way to balance historical charm with cultural, economic, & environmental sustainability.

We are currently overhauling our zoning codes which offers a great opportunity for community input on what we want to see or not see as the case may be, in Pittsford. And while zoning codes alone do not create change, they certainly set the groundwork for change to happen… or not happen, as the case may be. :)

How can zoning codes help protect the environment? Improve the walkability of a neighborhood? Impact the aesthetic feel of a community? Attract new business?

Diversity and inclusion should be about culture, not just demographics. We need to create an environment where everyone is welcome and respected by our actions, not just our words.

Now is always the time to come together. I’m a huge advocate of teamwork, addressing things objectively, and creating an environment of honesty and transparency.