

Thank you so much for visiting the hosting page. When I think of what Pittsford will look like in 10 or 20 years, I imagine a thriving, progressive community that has found a way to balance historical charm with cultural, economic, & environmental sustainability.  

I know a lot of people shy away from asking for money.  The simple fact is that running a campaign costs money.  Like people’s time, it is a valuable resource that I will be treated as such.

Hosting an event provides a great avenue to community outreach. Engaging with our neighbors is an opportunity to learn more about what’s really important to residents and

HOST: Enjoy a night with your friends AND help Elect Pearl Brunt!  From good old-fashioned get-togethers to local wine, beer, and whisky tastings, we can do online or in-person events. With warmer weather around the corner, we look forward to getting outdoors… in a socially distancing responsible way.